Trauma-focused Psychotherapy


The primary goal of trauma-focused psychotherapy is to establish a sense of safety. Individuals with trauma histories often experience the world and others as dangerous and threatening. Our goal is to reduce the occurrence of reliving symptoms including disturbing thoughts, flashbacks, and nightmares; avoidance symptoms including avoidance of thoughts, feelings, people, places, and feeling withdrawn from others; and hyperarousal symptoms including irritability, trouble sleeping, and hypervigilance. These symptoms likely served you during the time of trauma, when you needed to be in survival mode, but can cause severe distress and fatigue when they persist.

By working together, we will establish a trusting therapeutic relationship in which you are able to be vulnerable. First, we will work on emotional regulation skills so that you can better manage your distress and so that you are prepared to re-encounter specific trauma memories. At your pace, we will challenge you to narrate your trauma stories. Along the way, we will utilize proven emotional regulation and grounding techniques to manage distress. We will process themes throughout your trauma stories to make meaning of your experiences and promote resilience and growth. At the completion of treatment, we hope for a better understanding of how your life experiences have impacted you and your relationships, and an increased ability to feel in control of your emotions and feelings of security.