Cognitive Assessment


Growth Work Psychology Services offers cognitive assessments to objectively measure Critical Aspects of daily functioning

As part of a psychological evaluation, it is standard practice to objectively measure on areas such as memory, attention, reasoning, and verbal ability—all cognitive abilities you need to function optimally in everyday life. It’s not a test—it’s a valuable tool to check in on your brain’s health or address concerns. This assessment along with a clinical interview can help you or your child address concerns about ADHD, Memory issues, or problems impacting work and learning.

Why is Measuring Cognitive Health Important?

We all have a subjective idea of how our brains are doing—some days we feel “off” or have “brain fog,” while other days we feel like we can take on the world. Sometimes the off feeling can be an ongoing concern. By putting a number to these subjective feelings with cognitive assessment, we can discover what is causing the good days in order to have more of them. When your brain is performing, every activity in your daily life will be easier, from remembering where you parked your car to doing homework. The results from the assessment can help inform strategies for more optimal performance.

Cambridge Brain Sciences (CBS) Health: An Engaging and Scientifically-Validated Cognitive Assessment Platform

Growth Work uses a leading cognitive assessment platform, CBS Health, to quickly measure brain health. Dr. Okosi will offer these measures to assess, monitor, and manage core areas of cognition to ensure that your treatment is on the right track.

The CBS Health tasks have been validated by decades of scientific research, and are proven to measure the most important aspects of cognition. Performance is directly linked with the areas of your brain that are active when you’re at your sharpest. But more importantly, the tasks are fun, and only take 1.5 - 3 minutes each to complete. Now, not only will you feel better, but you can objectively track how your brain is responding to treatment.

How Do I Get Started?

To get started on your cognitive assessment, call or email to schedule a [free] phone consultation. You will complete a clinical interview and complete cognitive assessment measures. Later, you will receive a full written report of your results with recommendations for coping and other resources.

If you are a current patient, ask about incorporating brief cognitive assessments as a measure of your progress in psychotherapy.